Volume 2, Issue 8 (12-2014)                   IUESA 2014, 2(8): 109-127 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadi K, Razavian M, Sarrafi M, Gholamhoseini E. Public-Private Sectors Partnership in Renovation of Distressed Areas in 9th Region of Tehran Municipality. IUESA 2014; 2 (8) :109-127
URL: http://iueam.ir/article-1-89-en.html
1- Department of Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Scholarship of Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
2- Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3- Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (13398 Views)

Nowadays, partnership of Public and Private sectors is one of the most common ways to renovation of Distressed areas due to the high total of construction costs and Lack of economic power of owners. The purpose of this survey is Evaluation the influences of Public and Private sectors partnership on renovation of distress areas in 9th Region of Tehran Municipality and provide solutions for reinforce and extension of this type of partnerships. This survey is an applied and developmental research that collects data through documentary and field methods and processes them by descriptive-analytical methods. Statistical society of this research includes 1162 residential Plaque of Distressed areas that have been renovated in recent years. 235 samples were selected by Cochran formula and the data was analyzed by GIS and SPSS softwares. The results show that the partnership of Public-Private sectors in 9th region is the cause of renovation about the 9000 Residential Units. Also according to the results of this research, it could be hoped to success this partnership if these conditions will be established: the legal infrastructures for Public-Private partnership, conformity of the Distressed areas with overall goals of renovation urban textures, enough facilities and persuasive packages, Coordinating and partnership of owners, increasing the supervision of related organizations of partnership and finally using the experts, wealthy and native investors.

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/08/25 | Accepted: 2014/05/18 | Published: 2014/12/21 | ePublished: 2014/12/21

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