Volume 11, Issue 44 (Fall 2023)                   IUESA 2023, 11(44): 14-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Analyzing the codes of the traditional houses of the Qajar period of Yazd from the point of view of cultural semiotics (case study: study of the central courtyards collection). IUESA 2023; 11 (44) :14-14
URL: http://iueam.ir/article-1-2070-en.html
Abstract:   (408 Views)
As one of the most important components of traditional house architecture and the position of semantic and semiotic phenomena, the central courtyard complex contains many concepts and meanings. The present research is trying to analyze the symbols of the traditional houses of the Qajar period of Yazd from the point of view of cultural semiotics by looking and reading the signs of the Qajar houses and based on the symbolic function of the central yard complex. In the current research, through the qualitative research method, data collection was done with a comparative analytical strategy and reference to library sources and documents to explain the literature of the subject, and necessary examples were determined through the historical interpretation strategy. Among the historical houses of the Qajar period of Yazd, 5 cases have been investigated. According to the theoretical framework of the research and through the case study strategy, field studies and data collection of selected samples were conducted through observation, photography and interview measures in such a way that while observing and studying traditional residential buildings, signs were recorded and analyzed. Finally, the research results have been explained through logical reasoning. According to the findings, the central yard is the place for the development of semantic processes, consisting of multiple and multiple components and elements that are at the same time unified and based on sign systems with multiple technical, aesthetic, syntactic and semantic codes that are intertwined and based on the occasional slippage of each one. that the meanings and concepts hidden in this position are the result of the meanings of spaces and components in the framework of multiple codes and the continuous interaction of multiple texts in the cultural space of Yazd city. Therefore, understanding the role and position of the yard in traditional houses in the framework of physical and non-physical aspects based on concepts and meanings including sign systems can be effective in developing familiar codes to give meaning to today's houses.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/01/9 | Accepted: 2023/06/19 | Published: 2023/11/1 | ePublished: 2023/11/1

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