Volume 10, Issue 37 (Winter 2022)                   IUESA 2022, 10(37): 107-124 | Back to browse issues page

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Javadian R, Abroodi S M, Ali Mohammadi H R. Factors Affecting Public Participation in the Modernization of Urban Deteriorated Textures (Case Study: District 15 of Tehran). IUESA 2022; 10 (37) :107-124
URL: http://iueam.ir/article-1-1825-en.html
1- , rezaj83@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1609 Views)
The old and old textures of the cities of the country, which often form the primary and main core of cities, on the one hand, are considered as cultural and historical ramifications of those cities, and the preservation and renovation of the labyrinth and their functional empowerment is inevitable, and on the other hand, most of these tissues, with the passage of time and lack of proper attention and maintenance, suffer from productive and functional exhaustion and dissolution. Tehran municipality's 15th district has an old texture and is faced with problems such as the inappropriateness of the width of the road network, the severe exhaustion of the housing buildings, the grading of small and very small parts. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the factors affecting public participation in order to renovate the worn-out texture of District 15 of Tehran. The research method is descriptive-analytical method which is used to collect information from documentary-library and field methods. Data collection tools were questionnaires and field studies. The statistical population of this study is citizens of District 15 of Tehran who were selected by cochrane sampling method, 384 people were selected as statistical samples and available randomly. To evaluate the normality, The Clomogrov Smirnov test and for data analysis, t-tests of t-takmons and dispersion coefficient, ANOVA and independent t were used and Friedman test was used for prioritization. The results showed that citizen participation has a depending on accelerating the process of reconstruction of worn-out texture of district 15 and priority, economic, physical-infrastructure, urban, social, cultural and environmental factors have the greatest impact, respectively. Also, comparing the opinions between age groups, education, job and between two groups of tenants and tenants, all agree with the effectiveness of public participation in the improvement and renovation of worn-out textures. Thus, in the renovation of the worn-out textures of Tehran's 15th district, almost no group of respondents opposes modernization.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/12/8 | Accepted: 2020/04/14 | Published: 2022/03/1 | ePublished: 2022/03/1

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