Volume 8, Issue 32 (Fall 2020)                   IUESA 2020, 8(32): 1-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Nejadbahram Z, Mirzadeh S H. Promoting the Habitation Worthiness, the Main Strategy of the Regenerating and Recreating Decayed and Historic Neighborhood. IUESA 2020; 8 (32) :1-16
URL: http://iueam.ir/article-1-1553-en.html
1- Faculty of Political Science, Islamic College of London, London, England
2- Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Art, Tehran, Iran , hossein.mirzadeh65@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2396 Views)
Decayed areas and historical districts are one of the most important issues in the urban planning system of our country so that a significant budget is spent every year for the renovation and regeneration of these  neighborhoods. But Experiences from last projects show that although despite the renovation of buildings and private spaces, the population of these areas has migrated to other neighborhoods of the city. This study suggests the "habitation worthiness" concept to explain the various aspects of urban life which lead people to settle in or migrate from the district. Additionally, it attends to the vitality of attentive districts. To this end, this study has used documentary study and content analysis, and also descriptive and logistic methods to review the literature and compare the evidence and concepts from studing the documents, respectively. The findings of this study show that "habitation worthiness" is a concept beyond the quality of life and should be considered in the process of urban regeneration. The “habitation worthiness” addresses all biological, physical, cultural-social, economical and environmental aspects of human habitation and provides indicators for evaluating urban projects and plans in each dimension. Consequently, ignoring any aspect is resulted flaw in the "habitation worthiness" and migrating the people resettled in these districts.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/04/19 | Accepted: 2020/09/5 | Published: 2020/12/20 | ePublished: 2020/12/20

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